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You searched for: cans

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Crazy Foam brand spoof soap with rabid foaming gnomes for scary clean bathing.
  • Man in robe dials painful backache seat so late night visitor leaves home.
  • Guy and his pet dog watch TV on couch chew Pringle chips and tennis balls in can together.
  • Spoof evil spirit Behold furniture duster can for a shine so bold it’s scary & may polish you off.
  • Scary spoof RedBull can stirs up angry demonic energy, inflaming body and mind.
  • Strawberry mourner at funeral says undertaker did good job preserving deceased fruit jelly’s remains.
  • Crafty beer bottle and can kids cut and glue arts and crafts pictures and spoon doll creations.
  • Mountain biking man rides bumpy trail and is sprayed in face by soda can, thinks seltzer water a bad idea.
  • Grocery shopping dog buys canned pet food marketed with more disgusting horrible taste for dogs.
  • Jolly Green Giant veggie brand mascot at urologist has pea in a pee cup urinary health sample.
  • E.R. doctors give hurt Jolly Green Giant vegetable mascot in hospital plant vine iv injection.
  • Gross spoof Dinty-Moore brand can label for risky expired Denty More beef stew.

You searched for: cans