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  • Frankenstien monster with fallen booty calls sleeping mad scientist late at night.
  • Annoyed waitress owner asks cat knocking salt shakers off table if it’s 8th time it asked for salt.
  • Cat on couch watching T.V. says already saw spot on the wall but will watch it again.
  • Repetitive man shipwrecked on island says stop me if you’ve heard this before over 30 times.
  • Self-centered psychiatrist complains man in therapy is talking about himself again.
  • Bird offers tissues to frustrated turkey, mistook snood skin beak drip for runny nose.
  • Music shop repairs broken instrument strings for pirate with hook hand fingers again.
  • Aliens’ flying saucer beam drops abducted human, says five second rule & picks back up.
  • Dog on laptop website types Googles’ suggested search terms things to bark at, sniff, roll in, eat, throw up, eat again & regret.
  • Annoying cat hits sleeping owner in bed, wakes at same time every night.
  • Older cloud on smartphone sees frequent drizzle peeing overnight weather forecast website.
  • Annoyed devil dad in hell tells excited demon son for the zillionth time it’s not a snow day.

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