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You searched for: solar

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  • Self-conscious sun in sky tells women cold weather shortening days length excuse.
  • Joking moon’s bum eclipses in front of annoyed sun in sky.
  • Conflicted snow man protester with solar power sign protests warming climate change melting.
  • Daisy with smartphone is bored with sunny photosynthesis food photos posted on Facebook.
  • Hypnotized cats in flying saucers crash into the sun.
  • Uranus is terrified to say his name in front of classroom of planets when the sun teacher demands his proper name.
  • Coffee is the source of the sun’s solar energy.
  • A man buys solar power for his car.
  • In addition to oil, warriors use solar power to burn offenders.
  • Sunscreen company blocks sun from solar roof panels on house next door.
  • Guilt-free mower runs on solar while guilt-ridden mower runs on grass screams.
  • Egg family switches to green energy to cook their ham.

You searched for: solar