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Comfortable kitty napping on Santa Claus prevents Christmas Eve toy deliveries.
Christmas elf doll decoration regrets stinky bathroom toilet shelf mistake.
Pet cat kills sneaky Christmas Elf on The Shelf snitching on kid’s behavior.
Santa Claus in sleigh thinks incompetent elf unevenly filling heavy, light & empty toy bags was grocery employee before.
Gnome directs man asking for directions in town of garden gnomes to Nome, AK road sign.
Elf says Santa Claus on cellphone will be late if posting social media cookie photos online.
Santa assigns elf workers making dog toys for long good boys & girls nice list pet names.
Hacker Christmas elf on laptop disables security cameras, alarms and distracts guard dog with bone for Santa delivering toys.
Santa Claus in North Pole Workshop asks Mrs. Claus how many elf workers needed from gum ball machine full of elves.
Autocorrected Xmas spelling parodies Santa Claus cat paw sanitizer, Rudolph rude Frozen snowman Olaf, Elvis Presley elves & frothy Frosty face beer mug.
Playful cats stealing toy parts from annoyed Santa’s elves are a work shop from home difficulty.
Elf says gesundheit to Santa after Christmas presents are sneezed out of sleigh.