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You searched for: bird

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  • Oriole songbird Oreo cookie spoof is bird flavored for cats.
  • Owl in bed asks bird with head turned face up if it sleeps on stomach & answers that it is.
  • Sci Fi movie droid R2-D2 & owl at bar fall in love swiveling heads 180 degrees.
  • Hummingbird scolds trendy young bird wearing baseball cap for beatboxing instead of humming.
  • Turkey reading newspaper is insulted by old man’s complaint about his wrinkled throat skin.
  • Bugs Bunny asks Warner Bros characters at empty table who put Wile E. in charge of getting bird.

  • Bird in bed with cooked Thanksgiving roast asks if sex was hot for her too.
  • Frightened birds say scary bird house with kitty hidden inside is haunted.
  • Customer at birds’ bakery orders baker’s daily crumb special.
  • Pointer toy obsessed kitty at bar understands Wile E. Coyote’s roadrunner problem.
  • Tyranosaurus tells caught worm dinosaurs early birds if think about it.
  • Eye doctor owl in eye chart filled office tells patient turning head to read next one behind it.

You searched for: bird