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You searched for: sayings

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  • Tyranosaurus tells caught worm dinosaurs early birds if think about it.
  • Cozy kitty & hair covered pet owner have live laugh love & cats’ slogan art on wall.
  • Annoyed gator in park tells surprised man he looks like he didn’t expect to see him later.
  • Anxious devil in therapy says people are always just speaking of him when he enters rooms.
  • Cruel insults & criticism mean supportive affirmations for scary ghosts & monsters.
  • Disappointed skeleton on smartphone sees beauty is skin deep positive affirmation post online.
  • City destroying Zilla monster wears don’t talk to me until I’ve had my cafe T-shirt.
  • Hand baskets store cashier says Satan demon buying hand-basket is best customer.
  • Lunar cycle phases change moons perspective from optimistic full phrases to pessimistic dark moon cliches.
  • Therapist asks upset alligator in counseling why saying “see you later” is threatening.
  • Two workers named Victor write History on school classroom door window.

You searched for: sayings