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Single plant at bar asking to buy desert cactus a drink knows how to find a cheap date.
Intermittent storm cloud with pouring rain patches aimed on purpose says it likes to hit cookouts.
Clean humor clown trapped in washing machine & dry humor dead clown in laundry dryer.
Bigger hydrated grape tells tiny wrinkled raisins it moisturizes.
Pet goldfishes in dangerously empty fish bowl optimistically say on bright side humidity is low.
Desert cacti at restaurant covers water glass blocking plant waitstaff’s drink pitcher.
Greedy King Midas jumps in swimming pool, belly flops painfully on hard golden metal water.
Complaining house plant panics half full or empty glass of water too much or too little & will die.
Depressed wet man sadly walking in storm compared to wilted flower blocked by rain cloud water depicts feeling gloomy emotional sadness.
Snowman rescuer in woods asks missing snow men with tooth bites chomped on butts how they survived dehydration.
Mailman on large wooden sailing ship reaches to deliver customer order causing expensive shipping costs.
Mad celebrity on cellphone at dinner ironically criticizes bad reviews online then says roast chicken is dried out.