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A child Leaning Tower of Pisa sits on sofa, his mom yells at him to sit up straight or he'll ruin his posture.
Child asks mom how Santa will get in house since they have no chimney, Santa is on the roof with an axe.
Mom worried about son, Joey, because he just got done sitting on Count Santa's lap, he looks pale, nervous, and something is wrong with neck.
The maternity ward for skeletons is full of tiny skeleton heads and crossbones, dad skeleton and child skeleton are looking in window.
Flea real estate agent tells flea couple woman's big head of hair is perfect place to start family because of space and privacy.
Mr. Potatohead scolds son, Oscar, for using the f-word, Oscar had said French fries.
Mother mentions twins with cloning machine, Dad realizes they don't have twins.
The scarier version of Star Wars is when Darth Vader reveals he's Luke's Mother.
The elves show Santa an advanced surveillance operation to keep track of who's naughty.
Giants compare innie and Audie belly buttons
Boy thinks smoke alarm is a dad cooking alert.
John McEnroe argues with mother about his bathroom performance.