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You searched for: injuries

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  • Husbands compare scars caused by their wives kicking them under the table for things they said.
  • Revised list of softball statistics includes pulled muscles.
  • A chicken lectures at a seminar on how to successfully cross the road by crossing at a less busy section.
  • A baseball looks for its attacker, a baseball bat in disguise, in a police line-up.
  • Fish doctor doesn't understand his patient because he has a hook in the mouth.
  • A hospital for all of the characters injured in a Monty Python skit.
  • At doctor's office, patient's eardrums are diagnosed with repetitive stress.
  • A cat doctor informs patient health insurance doesn't cover reckless accident.
  • Lumberjack saws worker's legs and then complains about woodchip in eye.
  • A feline parody on a famous phrase 'a stitch in time saves nine'.
  • A man in the hospital wants a belly itcher instead of a pitcher, a parody of the famous baseball chant.
  • A water slide is so fast that people break out the other side of the pool.

You searched for: injuries