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You searched for: claw

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  • A declawed cat buys a reclawing kit so he can claw his owner's couch again.
  • A rulebook has nothing about clawing the hand that feeds you.
  • The director threatens to buy a squirt gun backstage at Cats.
  • Cats borrow books from a self-help section in a library.
  • A cat doesn't know what name to put on a job application.
  • A mouse mystic sees someone from the "other side" trying to reach another mouse, but the thing reaching is a cat's paw.
  • A cat tries to declaw its owner in revenge for being declawed itself.
  • To stop cat's clawing, cat owner made furniture from scratching posts.
  • A cat buys a shredder to more efficiently destroy his owner's curtains.
  • The choices for how to spend eternity in hell are painful situations.
  • A group of people have committed small gaffes like removing mattress tags or repeating when shampooing.
  • A man takes the safety seal off a package and a monster reaches out and eats him.

You searched for: claw