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Mother cat on cellphone shows off six pack baby kittens selfie picture of newborn litter nursing on stomach.
Hammer tail shark complains to hammerhead rude ass name bullying worse in comparison.
Gross adult gardening greenhouse says pull my finger to kid glasshouse, farts first CO2 air pollution gases.
Colorful decorated Easter eggs crowd shocked by naked blank egg streaking outdoors public nudity surprise.
Man annoyed at art gallery painting says his kid could do artist’s fussy crying baby artwork.
Veggies denying child refuses to eat dinner vegetables, tells mother he has asparagus hesitancy.
Frustrated cellphone mother’s smartphone kids track dirty mud puddles on clean kitchen floor.
Cat parents can only afford one Christmas toy gift but grateful kitten kids love sharing fun box, ribbon & wrapping paper best.
Termites family children enjoy infesting Christmas tree wood present.
Christmas tree mother disapproves exposed bare branch teen daughter’s inappropriate sexy decorations clothing.
Scared pop corn kernel movie cinema audience watches girl stringing popcorn garland Christmas decorations torture on screen.
Worried family thinks Thanksgiving thoughts about enough food, washing dishes, political fights & sneaking pie.