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You searched for: buy

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Mother and child both find items while back to school shopping.
  • House hunters disagree on amenities.
  • Rooster needs help waking up in the morning so he shamefully buys an alarm clock.
  • Dogs shop at the Stinky Things store.
  • When bartender announces last call, phone thinks he's being nosy,
  • Auditor tells cartoonist he can't write-off everyday payments because they appear in his cartoon.
  • When Dad asks if daughter is doing math homework she says she is, by adding purchase to her online shopping cart.
  • Glenn dresses up his sweats with a sweat tie to go shopping.
  • Turtle regrets getting a laptop because it's so uncomfortable for him to use not having a lap.
  • Woman ordering last minute Christmas presents online can choose overnight sleigh as shipping method.
  • The practical dog owner choose prechewed shoes over new shoes.

  • Witch gets excited when she finds gingerbread floor under carpet in house.

You searched for: buy