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Dog eats wondering how to post food photos online, meal eaten before has cellphone out.
Wife tells husband nasty car trunk foods not basically the same as food truck.
Rebellious snacking meal worm, famous moth avoiding limelight, sand flea dislikes beaches & daddy long legs spider not a dad.
Bears at party hate talking about annoying panda’s dull bamboo dieting obsession.
Spider with luggage returns from trip to spiderweb covered in trapped bugs & thinks always so much to do after vacations.
Praying mantis bugs at bar admit eat mates’ heads to avoid awkward eye contact after sex.
Dog kid impatient no table scraps fed but mom dog begs & says trust the process.
Restaurant waitress asks ant eater if unhappy with cake order but it’s waiting patiently for ants.
Gross dog archaeologist has 5 Century Rule to eat medieval garbage artifacts dug in hole.
Son’s Ketchup & Froot Loops dinner seems normal to dad after increasingly weird flavor mixes.
Humpty Dumpty high on wall thinks ants tiny people in distance but bugs eat smashed yolk after falling.
Fool swims in sharks prey seals costume when ocean predator prank goes horribly wrong.