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You searched for: asleep

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  • Cat owner gets full body injuries when she sneezes while cats nap on her.
  • Cats gets high score in video game by doing more of nothing.
  • Cat worries that there is a couch somewhere that doesn't have cat fur on it.
  • Cats wind up asleep after taking a shot of catnip every time owner says Stop It.
  • Woman who does have caffeine at home mistakes salt for sugar when making coffee at work.
  • Anteater gets grossed out when he learns that he eats spiders in his sleep.
  • Dog's leg twitching in sleep really means that he's being chased by a big scary rabbit.
  • Mosquitos wait in line to enter all you can eat buffet tent to bite sleeping camper.
  • Tangle Fairy comes at night to tangle up headphone wires.
  • Rip Van Winkle awakens to learn his style is still popular.
  • Librarian's sound machine is shhhhh to keep quiet.
  • Cat complains about slow service of owner, but says food is good.

You searched for: asleep