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Grocery shopper tells woman buying cart of Halloween candies trick-or-treat cancelled in her area and she answers mine too.
Trick-o-treating godzilla monsters trade nerdy people for dummies.
Ghost parent catches sneaky spirit kid with clear belly full of Halloween candies.
Godzilla parent destroying city tells child asking to eat building “no more suites.”
Dog in confessional tells priest tricks owners to feed second breakfast.
Anteater kids order ant farm ants sprinkles ice cream cone topping at anteater scoop shop window.
Cats commit crimes vandalizing torn curtains, dangerous speeding downstairs, breaking and entering treats, and shedding fur napping in laundry basket.
Dog wont roll over for owner teaching trick but rolls back on nasty dead rodent.
Woman on laptop uses opening can and shaking treats noise cat finding program to call missing pet.
Cop can’t give driver using smartphone with foot ticket for loop hole in hands-free driving rules.
Afraid lab rat asks other if it feels like it stumbled into the wrong timeline as scary cheese runs through maze to eat them.
Indoor cat snacks on treats watching birds in nests outside window in Nestflix Netflix parody.