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You searched for: tooth

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A piece of sugar-less gum asks his neighbors for some sugar.
  • A horse gives his dentist a gift to get out of his appointment.
  • After the wisdom teeth are pulled by dentist, the rest of the teeth don't know what to do without them.
  • NHL new rule says in tie game, the team with most teeth left wins.
  • Man uses his cat's whiskers as floss.
  • Aging Rock Stars have a new set of abilities, like playing the guitar with their dentures.
  • The Tooth Fairy doesn't visit Medusa because one of her snakes was waiting.
  • The Sandman flirts with the Tooth Fairy.
  • Cinderella's dog eats her glass slippers.
  • The Tin Man's hat is used as a spit cup at the dentist.
  • Watching a playoff game at the dentist is difficult.
  • A turkey goes to the dentist to get a cavity filled.

You searched for: tooth