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You searched for: test

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  • You can tell if your pool guests are okay using test strips.
  • A cat uses a purr-o-meter to check his progress.
  • Fake eggs fall off walls at the crack test institute.
  • Aliens use crash test dummies to avoid another Roswell.
  • Crash test dummies arrive uninvited at a car party.
  • A cat scans people to figure out who to shed on.
  • Cats at an office have a mandatory drug screening by peeing in cups of cat litter.
  • Bacteria do word problems in school.
  • A woman catches the bouquet at a wedding by remotely controlling it.
  • A female cat performs a Home Hairball Test to check if her husband is cheating on her.
  • The traffic administration keeps track of who wins when their employees fight.
  • Christopher Columbus cheats off Leaf Erikson in school, and then does it again in adulthood.

You searched for: test