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Godzilla on smartphone fitness tracker app reaches stepped on daily destruction goals.
Autocorrected Sesame Street Muppets Oscar the Crouch hides, gambling Bookie Monster, insect head big Bug Bird & tree trunk Elm Elmo text message spelling mix ups.
Pet owner lets kitty walking on laptop keys pick difficult internet security login passwords.
Clueless ocean wildlife researcher says GPS location tag sharks don’t realize being tracked & uses smartphone info tracking internet technology.
Seagull gamer in headphones plays beach french fries stealing Grand Theft Auto video game spoof.
Summer autocorrected sunken sand castle, surfing pig surf board, guilt confessing concession stand & balding hair head volleyball.
Flirty man on smartphone texts girlfriend hey lover but autocorrect loser message insults angry date.
Reproducing rabbits dad on laptop receives email inbox full alert message as lots of bunny children’s Father’s Day messages fill folder.
Kitty novelist sleeps on laptop keyboard & types random letters punctuation to complete writing novel in one night.
Dead 1/2 star killed by customers’ negative reviews scares 4 online shopping product review stars.
Dog on laptop website types Googles’ suggested search terms things to bark at, sniff, roll in, eat, throw up, eat again & regret.
Mother cat on cellphone shows off six pack baby kittens selfie picture of newborn litter nursing on stomach.