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You searched for: teacher

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  • Student uses copy and paste functions to write lines on a smartboard.
  • Man discovers downside of dating a teacher when he has to write lines.
  • A teacher lets the eye students in the class get off easy.
  • Student keeps school presentation short because laughing class saw what happened on YouTube.
  • Student reads log of Twitter updates for her "what I did on my summer vacation" essay.
  • A whole class of envelopes frustrate a yoga instructor as they are all marked "do not bend."
  • Students at the Yes-Men Institute have a tough time understanding how to say yes.
  • Student studies Grey's Anatomy show instead of Gray's anatomy textbook.
  • Teacher is ebay addict and grades tests using ebay-like feedback.
  • Man climbs mountain to ask guru about the meaning of life and finds the grim reaper.
  • Guru cat only knows the meaning of life number two.
  • Grim reaper in training starts small with yogurt with live cultures.

You searched for: teacher