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Instead of Chippendale dancers, Chip and Dale the chipmunks dance.
Celebrity Tina Turner’s Cousin It hair wig, Neil Diamond cubic zirconium name, Corey Hart fast food flop, living Monkees copy dead Beatle tape & Snoop Doggy Dogg pays Snoopy copyright rock & roll musician facts.
A group of ducks complains that Chuck Berry's duck walk is offensive.
A tiger makes Siegfried and Roy disappear, instead of the other way around.
A woman imitates The Scream on stage.
Acts of God include natural disasters and a musical performance.
Godzilla eat Meatloaf and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
A ham radio recites lines from Hamlet.
The waiter at a fancy restaurant farts with his armpits to replace the violin player, who is on strike.
An orchestra's timpani player's music is just the word "Boom" over and over.
The Invisible Man at Comedy Night makes a joke, saying "That was no laundry, that was my wife," implying invisible wife got washed.