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You searched for: mental health

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Stars look down at the small Earth and feel significant.
  • A Christmas tree goes to therapy because it was disappointed that the gifts under it weren't for it.
  • A monster dresses up in a woman's clothes because he got bored hiding in her closet.
  • A spork runs marital counseling between a fork and a spoon.
  • A lego figure tells his therapist that he has nightmares where his feet are stuck to the floor.
  • Godzilla goes to relationship counseling with Lois Lane.
  • A woman feels insecure when airport security laughs at the x-ray of her luggage.
  • Chickens go to couples counseling because one of them wants their relationship to be free range.
  • Oscar the Grouch goes to therapy for being a hoarder.

You searched for: mental health