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You searched for: cat or cats or kitten or feline

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  • There is a zone the cat can't enter in the fish tank.
  • A can opener is used to coax an overdue cat into giving birth.
  • Today is the first day of this cat's sixth life.
  • A man puts his scratching post out for free because his cat won't use it.
  • A cat from Tech Support plays with dangly wires instead of working.
  • A room covered in black spots has a Dalmatian theme.
  • A cat enjoys the aroma therapy from a catnip mouse.
  • Cats refuse to let a man take down his Christmas tree.
  • A sleeping cat on the newspaper causes a news blackout.
  • A cat is related to the cat in a famous poster.
  • A woman understands fuzzy logic when her computer gets covered in cat fur.
  • It's ironic that a dog is named "Rover" but his owners tie him up in the yard.

You searched for: cat or cats or kitten or feline