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You searched for: vampires

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  • A vampire drinks caffiene out of people's blood.
  • Frankenstein cheats at cards with a disembodied eye.
  • A vampire's teeth have a little pink discoloration on them.
  • A vampire thinks that the plasma unit is the salesperson.
  • A vampire needs to use a can opener because his teeth won't work correctly.
  • Vampires play Transylvanian Roulette with artificial wooden stakes.
  • A vampire can't stand to hear about a bloodless coup on the news.
  • A vampire sees his virtual reflection in a computer.
  • A vampire chews on a pencil-neck because he's nervous.
  • A vampire thinks that a plus sign is a cross.
  • A vampire buys sparkling blood.
  • A baby vampire gets teething toys in the shape of people's necks.

You searched for: vampires