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A bird lawyer interrogates a bird who bought "To Kill a Mockinbird" about killing her husband.
Mickey Mouse always wears gloves so he won't leave fingerprints at crime scenes.
A man dies, not by natural causes, but at the hands of a group of people in Santa Claus costumes.
Witches in the inner city are killing each other by shooting each other with water as they fly by on brooms.
A news anchor reports that the farmer's wife has been arrested for killing three blind mice.
A lawyer accuses Gumby of killing Pokey.
A woman being interviewed about a mime who committed murder says he was a quiet man.
Snap snaps and kills Crackle and Pop.
Two mice exchange Christmas gifts, which are both mousetraps for pest removal, and the husband encourages his wife to open her gift first.
A police detective looks at a poorly-drawn chalk outline, wondering if the murder victim was in bad shape or if the new chalk-outliner did a bad job.
Police officer suspects a copy-cat killing when he finds a dead feline on a copy machine with copies of the cat laying on the floor.