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You searched for: murder

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Germ husband is killed by anti-bacterial soap wife bought.
  • Artist's body outline street drawings make neighborhood seem dangerous.
  • Gangsters hide evidence by dragging bullet ridden cheese to Swiss section.
  • Jason dresses in Hawaiian shirt and shorts for casual Friday the 13th.
  • At party of food mascots, someone yells "Let's break bread"' and Pillsbury Doughboy gets killed.
  • Louie sees his name on microwave button and worries for his safety.
  • Investigating Wicked Witch's death, cops find Glinda's bubble provides her an airtight alibi.
  • Mother shares controversial photos of uncle on bearskin rug with child.
  • Box of chocolates gets massacred on Valentine's Day by taster trying all the different flavors.
  • Easter bunny is wrongly accused of Humpty Dumpty's death after confessing to his color dyeing.
  • Rubber band men get confused with chalk outlines when they spill out onto the road.
  • Not crying at the drop of a hat gets hat arrested.

You searched for: murder