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You searched for: loving

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Narcissus looks at his reflection.
  • Divers looking for cuttlefish instead find hugging cuddlefish.
  • Surgeon accidentally tugged on patient's heartstrings making him more sentimental.
  • Dogs always see mistletoe over people they love.
  • A mouse gets excited to be purchased at a pet store, but the man buying it is going to feed it to his snake.
  • A tuna melt's after hearing some sweet talking.
  • Cupid finally gives in and makes girls fall in love with him.
  • Devil couple in hell fire home loves red eyes photos much better with new cameras demon eye features.
  • A baby protests when his dad gives him an "I Love Daddy" bib.
  • A school of fish asks its mom which of them she loves best.
  • A neutered dog still knows how to seduce his date.

You searched for: loving