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You searched for: legal

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A grape cop pulls over a grape and asks him if he's been fermenting.
  • Scratched dog tries to pick cat out of police lineup.
  • A turkey takes out a life insurance policy.
  • A domestic turkey leaves everything to its kids, but a wild turkey leaves everything to its girlfriends.
  • A butter lawyer asks a defendant to identify a butter knife.
  • A hammer has a nail through it and the police think it might be a murder.
  • A lawyer can't put the fox on the stand because he doesn't know what he'll say.
  • The judge is concerned that a dragon won't be able to be impartial at a knight's trial.
  • A turtle gets framed for jumping in a police lineup.
  • A lawyer defends his client from money-laundering charges by showing that he can't even do normal laundry.
  • A dog gets carded at the liquor store and says he only has to be 3 to be 21 in dog years.
  • A tie-dyed tie dies.

You searched for: legal