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You searched for: idea

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  • Getting your driver's license picture on memorabilia is a marketing failure for the DMV.
  • The virtual migraine computer program proves to be a marketing failure.
  • Gift shop displays a marketing failure, fur globes, a pet lover's version of the snow globe.
  • The new coffee and doughnut in one is a marketing failure due to customers burning their mouths.
  • Man finds the perfect skipping stone but has no water to skip it on.
  • Dishomat has machines for guys to wash dishes similar to a Laundromat.
  • A caveman invention of the stone wheel as a floatation device fails because stone sinks.
  • A car horn has two settings, Polite and Obnoxious.
  • A woman blows out spit guard birthday candles.
  • Spiders lose at basketball to daddy longlegs.
  • A man gets trick-or-treaters not to bother him by putting up a sign that says "Healthy Snacks."
  • Throw rugs and throw pillows made it through product testing, but throw lamps did not.

You searched for: idea