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You searched for: defense

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A hockey team made up of cheese has concern raised over a new Swiss goalie.
  • A declawed cat kicks a dog dummy in a self-defense class.
  • Gravy is on judicial trial accused of trying to smother a turkey.

  • A group of vampires are in court, and all are found guilty.
  • A girl does a friends hairstyle to look like a raised hand in school.
  • Man in court has been granted immunity to a disease.
  • A fur covered Goldilocks tells judge at trial there is no evidence she was in home of the 3 bears.
  • A judge rules someone is out of bounds, while watching the football game.
  • Mr. Potatohead goes to trial for murder.
  • An expert says that the handwriting looks like that of a doctor in court.
  • Adam is in court being charged with nepotism.
  • Mother Nature is in court, suing for parent infringement.

You searched for: defense