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You searched for: audiences

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  • Cats cinema audience are afraid of new kitten scary movie.
  • Dogs in theater cry when leashed dog is pulled away from trash.
  • Earth playing horn thinks man in audience is an idiot for saying he’s flat.
  • Washington cherry trees watch scary movie in a cinema
  • Cranberries audience watches scary movie of canned cranberry sauce blob squish city.
  • Dinosaurs audience watch sci fi film of spaceship T-Rex explode asteroid hitting Earth in alternate reality.
  • Moviegoer advises doughboy not to go inside roasted turkey as stuffing.
  • Cheeses watch a horror movie about a rat in a maze.
  • Instead of walking the tight rope or slack line, a man walks on a loose rope.
  • A tree falls in the woods and says "Stop me if you've heard this before."
  • Grossed out audience sees Pus In Boots movie instead of Puss in Boots.
  • Faye realizes the Columbus, Ohio costume she made for her son was misguided.

You searched for: audiences