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You searched for: painter

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A woman lies outside to get a tan, but her painters drop paint on her instead.
  • Stock brokers make their decisions arbitrarily.
  • Baby Duchamp draws pictures of his dad.
  • Flowers paint a rock to look like the grass around it so they can avoid the mower.
  • Van Gogh cuts off several more body parts after bad breakups.
  • Pinocchio goes shopping for paint to cover his bald spot.
  • Vincent van Potato pulls off his ear.
  • A can of paint's boss criticizes it for not applying itself.
  • Nude Descending Staircase artist Duchamp’s baby drawing of father’s trip falling down stairs isn’t appreciated.
  • Vincent van Gogh has a bad ear day.
  • A man is tired after painting the door sign for The Department of People Who Have a Certain Degree of Difficulty Putting Their Thoughts Into Brief, Concise, and Unrambling Language.
  • A woman imitates The Scream on stage.

You searched for: painter