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You searched for: cinema

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Mayflies watch a movie.
  • Cheeses watch a horror movie about a rat in a maze.
  • A chainsaw murderer accidentally comes out on Friday the 31st instead of Friday the 13th.
  • A snowman meets Rainman, who tells him how many snowflakes he's made of.
  • Chess pieces watch a horror movie called Taken.
  • Darth Vader gets a darksaber instead of a lightsaber.
  • Monsters watch a horror movie called Creature From The Black Hot Tub.
  • A man wants to see other people -- a movie called Other People.
  • The shark from Jaws used to be in small independent films.
  • Actor plays fish-out-of-water role by playing dead.
  • Dogs wear 3D glasses to smell a movie.
  • Stephen King's Children of the Corn is adapted by Disney as a cartoon.

You searched for: cinema