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You searched for: bird

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  • Crow in tree eating bag of road kill asks snobby crow eating boulevard kill when it got hoity toity.
  • Grossed out bird tells bird drinking from birdbath it just took a bath in water.
  • Birdwatcher on smartphone bird translator app reads target approaching as singing birds prepare to poop.
  • Scavenger crow asks other bird if it wants curbside pick-up by flattened animal hit by car.
  • Misspelled famous monuments autocorrected to great whale of China, faster running Moai heads, pee leaking tower of Pisa and stoned hen Stonehenge.
  • Annoyed female bird thinks male’s bad karaoke song is worse than his mating dance.
  • Baby delivering stork on laptop sees shelter in place virus news online and thinks business is about to boom.
  • Parrot guitarist tells bird concert audience the next song isn’t original either.
  • Nimble squirrel runs through backyard obstacles to birdseed feeder in American Ninja Warrior show parody.
  • Penguin asks penguin taking cellphone selfie photo if whole flock can use it.
  • Indoor cat snacks on treats watching birds in nests outside window in Nestflix Netflix parody.

You searched for: bird