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You searched for: cat or cats or kitten or feline

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  • The robin on the feeder is the second robin of spring, because the cat ate the first.
  • A male cat gives his wife a vase of flowers to known over as a gift.
  • A woman calls Animal Control because her cat won't stop clawing her curtains.
  • Birds poop on car to protest letting cat outside.
  • The Chipmunks meet their end when a cat enterers their dressing room.
  • Flat cat hair can easily be fixed by scaring the cat with a dog.
  • Cats prefer contact lens to glasses so when they rub against legs they don't lose glasses.
  • Two cats can't decide what type of wallpaper to decorate walls in home with.
  • A cat feeder is a low bird feeder so that the cats can catch the birds.
  • One cat tries climbing a Christmas tree, while another climbed a Menorah.
  • A house cat thinks he can act like an alley cat.
  • The cat is thankful everyone closed their eyes with the turkey on the table.

You searched for: cat or cats or kitten or feline