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You searched for: pregnancy

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  • A doctor delivers a baby without an umbilical cord.
  • Pregnant male seahorses try on paternity clothes.
  • Female scientists try to find a way to get men pregnant.
  • Gumby's wife's ultrasound shows that she's pregnant with a stick of gum.
  • The Jolly Green Giant's wife gets fertility treatments of moss, mulch, and compost.
  • Doctors use puppets to scare a woman giving birth on April Fools.
  • George Washington chops his own umbilical cord at birth.
  • A woman keeps having false labor that interrupts her during dinner and showers because her unborn child is going to grow up to be a telemarketer.
  • Tigger's mother dislikes being pregnant with him because he bounces around so much.
  • Gumby's mom shows him a picture of him as a stretched-out newborn.
  • Batman kicked and punched his mom's womb while he was a fetus.
  • Mr. Spock's mom feels pain when Spock's ears begin growing in the womb.

You searched for: pregnancy