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You searched for: meet

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A woman wants to remember Hugh Schnozolla's name but doesn't notice his giant nose.
  • A man talks the way he chatted online, with typos.
  • Pinocchio runs into Woody Woodpecker.
  • An owl at a book store signs copies of its book "Who's Who".
  • Bigfoot accidentally steps on Jiminy Cricket.
  • A tribesman realizes that his pasta needs something more right as an explorer passes by.
  • Spiderman meets the Green Hornet and eats him.
  • A woman says she doesn't want a one-night stand, so a man thinks they'll have a two-night stand.
  • Boa constrictor with a big, full belly sits at desk, and upon learning about the arrival of another salesman, agrees to squeeze one more in.
  • Chuck makes woman feel uncomfortable when he greets her by saying, "For all you know, I'm just a friendly neighbor welcoming you to the area."

You searched for: meet