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A woman wants to remember Hugh Schnozolla's name but doesn't notice his giant nose.
A man talks the way he chatted online, with typos.
Pinocchio runs into Woody Woodpecker.
An owl at a book store signs copies of its book "Who's Who".
Bigfoot accidentally steps on Jiminy Cricket.
A tribesman realizes that his pasta needs something more right as an explorer passes by.
Spiderman meets the Green Hornet and eats him.
A woman says she doesn't want a one-night stand, so a man thinks they'll have a two-night stand.
Boa constrictor with a big, full belly sits at desk, and upon learning about the arrival of another salesman, agrees to squeeze one more in.
Chuck makes woman feel uncomfortable when he greets her by saying, "For all you know, I'm just a friendly neighbor welcoming you to the area."