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You searched for: huge

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • As military veteran hopes dog will remember him, big dog bounds toward door.
  • Fish with hook in mouth brags about the size of the fisherman he escaped.
  • Boy builds Frankenstein-like giant moving bear at build-a-bear store.
  • A pharmacy lends out puppies as antidepressants.
  • Caleb gets back at his brother's static shocks with a huge pair of socks and a lot of static electricity.
  • Jack opens a restaurant with giant portions after cutting down the bean stalk.
  • A man gets a giant edition of Billboard.
  • A dinosaur mystic predicts that a dinosaur will be devoured by a huge land rover, both soon and very far in the future.
  • A bird finds it easier to poop on SUVs because of their big roofs.
  • Mark updates nursery rhymes for the modern age.
  • A man tries to write a giant check to pay for his groceries.
  • A man's radar detector goes haywire because a giant bat is about to attack him.

You searched for: huge