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Anteaters watching tongue eating ants on T.V. documentary are rooting for the anty-hero.
Dog gives thrilled date disgusting Valentine’s Day heart box of stinky garbage presents.
Hippopotamus in restaurant complain meals served after Hungry Hungry Hippos boardgame.
Kind chickens support depressed farmer in barn with reassuring encouragement.
Dreaming dog’s lying owner confesses breaking pet treats in half to canine courtroom judge & jury dogs.
Sprinkle doughnut at party humiliated by embarrassing bathroom accident mess on floor.
Piranha at prey eating swarm embarrassed practical fish brought container to save leftovers.
Feline restaurant waiter asks kitty with menu what dish they’ll refuse to eat today.
Reborn loaf teaches ripe bananas audience freezer banana bread reincarnation miracle.
Gossiping candy canes say candy lady dating rich lollypop driving convertible found a sugar pop.
Kitty hangs fishnet tights Christmas stockings by fireplace for Santa to fill with tasty fishes presents.
Xmas reindeer squint to read dim restaurant menus but Rudolph’s handy nose light helps him see in dark.