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You searched for: failure

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  • No one graduates from the Cat Obedience School.
  • A frog sticks out its throat to impress a girl frog, and a man sucks his stomach in to impress a woman.
  • The squid warning light in a man's car turns on.
  • A cat wearing a cone after surgery has mice making fun of it where it can't see.
  • A fish eats an anglerfish's glowing lure.
  • A dog resolves to be less easily distracted, but he doesn't finish the note because he gets distracted by a squirrel.
  • Another marketing failure: Turkey Yogurt.
  • A female praying mantis becomes a zombie and acts just like she did before she turned.
  • All the king's horses and all the king's men try to do a puzzle in their spare time, but they're bad at it.
  • Charlie Brown plays with a virtual kite and gets tied up in computer cord.
  • A door is pushy with another door, but she's a pull door so she rejects him.
  • Yet another marketing failure: an ice shower.

You searched for: failure