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Gruesome eye socket ghoul with eyes on head scares woman wearing glasses on top of hair.
Autocorrected halloween texts misspells wicked witch smartwatch, grim reaper book reading, space alien pumpkin spice & walking dead normal father.
Short life may fly on laptop posts learned everything I’ll ever know on Reddit TIL social media web site.
Sleeping man dreams friends & family at funeral view his private Google internet search histories.
Dog’s cold nose tells veterinarian checking temperature she will die alone.
Friendly naiveosaurus dinosaur easy prey for T-Rex predator & first extinction.
Mean Kermit the frog in hurry pushes old lady and is hit by falling safe karmic revenge,
Monster asks monster with foot in mouth what it got on Craigslist website and it says Craig.
Anatomical diagram of zombie brain only thinks about brains but not this one.
Zombie suspect throws hands at police officer when he says to put hands where he can see them.
Ghost parent catches sneaky spirit kid with clear belly full of Halloween candies.
Pumpkin fortuneteller predicts pumpkin approached by carving knife will lose weight.