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You searched for: christmas trees

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  • Trees hold their breath and look small so they don't get cut down.
  • New Year starts covered in sap from taking down the Christmas Tree.
  • A man remembers decorating being easier when he was a kid.
  • It's time to take the tree down after a sneeze knocks all the pines off.
  • A man thinks he's stronger because his Christmas tree feels lighter, but it's lighter because its needles fell off.
  • Old Christmas trees get recycled into car air fresheners.
  • The lights go out in a Christmas light factory, so they have to check the bulbs one at a time.
  • Cats refuse to let a man take down his Christmas tree.
  • Pine trees wear ridiculous fashions for the Christmas season.
  • Christmas figures stalk a woman to get her to buy things.
  • A cat tears down a Christmas tree because he got a present of catnip.
  • Extreme Christmas sports include The Vertical Needle Push and The Power Space Grab.

You searched for: christmas trees