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You searched for: awake

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  • Elves rip off calendar days so Santa wakes up thinking he missed Christmas.
  • Vampires are up all night and lose an hour of awake time with daylight savings.
  • Noise machine plays jaws theme instead of ocean sounds.
  • Man can't stay awake when his resolution to cut back caffeine is successful.
  • Prince applies caffeinated lip balm in hopes of waking up Sleeping Beauty.
  • Pete sleeps till noon in an attempt to defeat morning breath.
  • Hypnotist cures husband from talking in sleep, but wife wants hypnotist to cure husband of talking while awake.
  • An autumn leaf has a dream about falling out of the tree.
  • Student gets an A in CPR class after reviving the test dummy.
  • Dog wakes up sleeping owner by jumping on the bed.
  • Claims rejected by Ripley's Believe It Or Not about baby, cat, computer and teen.
  • Santa knows when Mrs. Claus is sleeping, and when she isn't sleeping.

You searched for: awake