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You searched for: attention

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  • A female robot wishes they'd make more female robots so male robots would leave her alone.
  • Two giraffes think they sense low-lying predators, but the third giraffe sensed a low-lying branch by running into it.
  • A woman accidentally bakes Garfield with her lasagna.
  • A wilted Christmas tree flicks an ornament at a man; its decorations read "water me."
  • Mr. Potato Head wears two faces so he can ignore his wife.
  • A cat doesn't mind a burglar stealing his stuff, but he does mind him using the litter box.
  • A man has a runny nose and the woman in front of him in line is wearing a kerchief.
  • A dog resents a cat for doing no work and getting a private indoor bathroom.
  • Man walking into ladies' intimate apparel store hopes no one saw him, not realizing there's a big celebration waiting because he's the one millionth customer.
  • Man lying on floor in Bakery World, "Where You Get the Attention You Deserve," with pie in his face, employee tells co-worker he deserved it.

You searched for: attention