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You searched for: asleep

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  • Customer shops heavy, heavier & heaviest cat & dog sleeping pet weighted blanket selection.
  • Sleeping man dreams friends & family at funeral view his private Google internet search histories.
  • Rested owner feels weight lifted after slept under dog and cat on bed.
  • Cat asleep on lap dreams biting mice but chomps owner’s fingers painfully.
  • Alarm clock of pet vomit noise wakes sleeping owners effectively.
  • Man in bed looks forward to extra time to sleep as Day Light Savings ends but cat hits face for food early morning.
  • Sleeping dog dreams chasing rabbit, wakes to spouse kicked out of bed on floor.
  • Owner sleeps as cat boops him till other cat’s bladder poke wakes to use bathroom.
  • Cat compared to smartphone wakes sleeping owner, wails music out window, entertains catching bug and is difficult to find.
  • Man drinking coffee in kitchen has one-sided conversation with sleeping cat.
  • Telecommuting pet owner can’t reach computer to work with cats and dogs piled on her lap.
  • Telecommuting worker is frustrated by slacker cats and dog coworker pets napping while he works.

You searched for: asleep