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You searched for: turkey

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  • Kids text at the Thanksgiving table, so their dad says he'll text Grace.
  • The army fights a Turkey Godzilla with a giant turkey baster.
  • Lady Gaga wears the Thanksgiving turkey when she's a kid.
  • A turkey hires a stunt double so he won't be killed on Thanksgiving.
  • A domestic turkey leaves everything to its kids, but a wild turkey leaves everything to its girlfriends.
  • A dog tries to eat turkey while a family is saying grace at Thanksgiving.
  • Young turkeys get their wattles pierced.
  • A turkey makes duck lips in a selfie.
  • An anteater makes Thanksgiving stuffing out of ants.
  • Another marketing failure: Turkey Yogurt.
  • A turkey takes a selfie before being killed for Thanksgiving.
  • A turkey gets a medical scan and finds out he's full of stuffing.

You searched for: turkey