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You searched for: reindeer

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  • Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer loses his job to Pubertolph, who has hundreds of glowing red zits.
  • A cat has to keep reindeer from pooping in his litter box at Christmas.
  • Santa's reindeer manage to get him around the world in 1 night by drinking lots of coffee.
  • Santa loses his pants while going down a chimney.
  • Rudolph complains in a bar that Santa got headlights and downsized him.
  • A bear attacks a man while he's making shadow puppets.
  • Santa gets trapped in his sleigh, but rescue workers get him out with the Claus of Life.
  • Santa doesn't like having to put a super pooper scooper under his reindeer.
  • A woman lists various Christmas things to put in her fruitcake.
  • A bear eats Rudolph, so his belly is red and shiny like the reindeer's nose.
  • Santa's Reindeer go union and protest working conditions.
  • Comet is grumpy and wondering why he always has to clean the toilet, tub, and sink.

You searched for: reindeer