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You searched for: medical

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  • Doctor tells ghost patient it’s insurance doesn’t cover post-existing conditions.
  • Cellphone pregnant mother in labor has push notification message on screen.
  • Doctor advises patient to run when she remembers that she doesn’t have a model skeleton and the one in her exam room is a monster.
  • Vet says gesundheit to dog who’s Elizabethan collar has been sneezed inside out.
  • Single cell organism doctor diagnosis's his patient’s rash as athlete’s pseudopod.
  • Choking man can’t get help from short armed tyrannosaurus or Venus De Milo.
  • Lit firework uses online symptom checker to look up burning sensation on behind.
  • Woman diagnosed with stress is brought to lab, which is a labrador retriever therapy dog.
  • Baseball catcher’s doctor tells him he’s already had practice saying he’s got it.
  • Starfish doctor tells patient they have a repetitive stress injury and will need physical therapy or to grow a new arm.
  • Workers rush to set up ambiance in a restaurant.
  • A straightened candy cane emerges from the Chiropractor's office.

You searched for: medical