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You searched for: marketing

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  • Steven Wright's low-key personality is poor match for endorsing energy pills.
  • A combination menorah-dreidel product is dangerous marketing failure.
  • Dog owner discovers the refrigerator pet door was a bad idea.
  • Man at kissing booth is surprised to find gum in his mouth as part of rewards program.
  • Man with large belly eyes new slant-top pants.
  • Virtual You software merely turns off computer to show your own reflection.
  • Fat-free ice cream maker sponsors verdict with their guilt slogan.
  • Fancy coffee shop has all flavors but plain coffee.
  • New and used bookstore sells books on tape and tape on books.
  • New construction tool product, the Sawmer, is a painful marketing failure.
  • Underwater Ice Fishing turns out to be a bad idea.
  • Man gives woman brain-shaped necklace as his love comes from brain.

You searched for: marketing