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You searched for: daughter

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  • Daisy introduces invasive weedy vine date to flower parents.
  • Pinata ultrasound technician shows pregnant pinata mother Baby Ruth candy bar sonogram.
  • Fly families visit prehistoric museum exhibit of bugs trapped in the La Brea Soup Pit.
  • Anteater girl has Easy-Bake Oven parody magnifying glass game to cook ants at sunny anthill outside.
  • Father is annoyed when indecisive daughter can’t pick bedtime story but later he can’t choose Netflix TV show to watch.
  • Godzilla parent tells monster child not to come into the house until it wipes squished people from the beach off feet.
  • Kid reading book in bed after bedtime thinks he’s being sneaky after mom tricks him by telling him not to.
  • Father tells mom that he only lets daughter play video games with wholesome names like violent military and alien shooter POV Halo.
  • Electric cars sitting in living room are suspicious when their children are too quiet.
  • Mom taking smartphone baby photo is distracted by texts and social media until son grows up into bearded man.
  • Exhausted mother in art museum with unruly kids thinks Whistler’s Mother painting is unrealistic because she’s sitting down.
  • Cat parent scolds kitten child at dinner table for finishing all its food.

You searched for: daughter