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You searched for: customer

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Criminal consumers arrested for eating sharing size candy, playing Words With Friends game with strangers, coffee in a tea cup and blowing nose on toilet paper.

  • Wah-wah voice teacher from Shultz’s Charlie Brown cartoon gets summer job at fast food restaurant drive thru speaker.
  • Customers are arrested for crimes breaking food usage rules in Consumer Reports parody.

  • Scared pig on laptop sees customers who bought straw house also buy nothing online ever again.
  • Panicked shoppers running in 5K marathon rush to run errands to stores, bank, dry clean and vet.
  • Angry manager shows Godzilla destroying store no eating rule sign.
  • Russian matryoshka doll with laptop buying dress on website chooses size all of them.
  • Leprechaun shops at Pot ‘o Gold dispensary at end of rainbow.
  • Shopper in non-fiction sees Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster eating books on nom nom bookstore shelves.
  • Mob of frenzied shoppers fight over coffee in supermarket before daylight savings.
  • Man shopping choses quiet toys for his kids or noisy toys for someone else’s children store display.
  • Dog misses the point when rude cat barista misspells name stupid jerk wad.

You searched for: customer