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Criminal consumers arrested for eating sharing size candy, playing Words With Friends game with strangers, coffee in a tea cup and blowing nose on toilet paper.
Wah-wah voice teacher from Shultz’s Charlie Brown cartoon gets summer job at fast food restaurant drive thru speaker.
Customers are arrested for crimes breaking food usage rules in Consumer Reports parody.
Scared pig on laptop sees customers who bought straw house also buy nothing online ever again.
Panicked shoppers running in 5K marathon rush to run errands to stores, bank, dry clean and vet.
Angry manager shows Godzilla destroying store no eating rule sign.
Russian matryoshka doll with laptop buying dress on website chooses size all of them.
Leprechaun shops at Pot ‘o Gold dispensary at end of rainbow.
Shopper in non-fiction sees Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster eating books on nom nom bookstore shelves.
Mob of frenzied shoppers fight over coffee in supermarket before daylight savings.
Man shopping choses quiet toys for his kids or noisy toys for someone else’s children store display.
Dog misses the point when rude cat barista misspells name stupid jerk wad.